Meet The Stylist

I’m Elizabeth Amatangelo. I’m an nineteen-year-old college junior with the desire to inspire and assist others with finding their true style. Fashion is everywhere but discovering the part of fashion that makes you excited, expressed, and comfortable can be difficult. I will provide you with a personalized style that makes you feel even happier and more passionate about life. It brings me so much joy to see my clients amazed by themselves after they find their unique look.

Discover services here!

Style says a lot about a person and since it’s a big part of my life, it’s a great way to get to know me.

How I Describe My Style

 I would describe my style in the summer and spring as a sunny vacation and in the fall and winter, I continue with a fun-loving quality but add more 90s aesthetics to it. I like feminine aspects of fashion, so I’m drawn to light and soft laying fabrics, especially with dresses and skirts. When considering my body type and coloring I found this aesthetic to look harmonious with me. This and my lifestyle composite my style. As a painter, baker, and student wearing loose-fitting fabrics with waist definition makes me appear casual but put together. Fashion that goes with my life is what makes me comfortable, happy, and ready for the day!